Inspiration Talks

Why would you only choose one thing in life? One job, one passion or one place to live? Tune into your intuition and listen to it’s whispers so you can treat your life like a unique piece of art… A collage in which you put your favorite parts together.

Besides her art, travel and journalism projects, Veerle Symoens worked in PR, advertising and more then 10 years at the communication department of a Belgian NGO. For some years she lived alternately in a white Spanish village and in Antwerp city (Belgium). You can contact her to give talks or inspiration labs about following your intuition, designing your own life and living a creative life in general.

Talks are possible in Dutch & English. You can also combine this with a collage or vision board workshop. More info via


“Follow your intuition.

Design your own life & add some playfulness.”

TV Plus interview about designing your own life and listening to your intuition (in Dutch)